Mineralizing Your Water: The Why’s, How’s, And Which Ones

Life is about balance, and that doesn’t just apply to our busy schedules, exercise routines, or emotional states. It also rings true when it comes to the water we drink and the minerals in it.

Minerals can be added to water by using mineral drops, salts or stones. Remineralization filters for water purification systems, and alkaline water filter pitchers or bottles can also boost the mineral content of your water.

Welcome to your definitive guide on adding minerals to water, whether you’re looking to elevate the taste, reap health benefits, or simply curious.

Why Add Minerals to Water Anyway?

Water is life – literally. Every cell, organ, and tissue in our bodies relies on water to function at its best. But plain water, while essential, sometimes lacks the minerals our bodies can benefit from. Here’s why you might consider adding minerals:


It’s no secret; mineralized water often tastes better. The presence of certain minerals can give water a smoother and richer taste.

Health Benefits

Certain minerals can positively impact our health, from bone strength to nerve function. Our regular diet might not always supply these in ample amounts, and water can be a vessel (pun intended) for these essential nutrients.

Replenish Electrolytes

Engaged in rigorous physical activity or just returned from a sunny hike? You’ve lost more than just water. Electrolytes, which are minerals like sodium, potassium, and chloride, can be quickly replaced through mineral-infused water.

Ways to Add Minerals to Your Water

Just as there are various flavors of ice cream, there are multiple ways to add minerals to your water.

The different ways to add minerals to drinking water, including mineral drops, salts and stones. Remineralisation filters pitchers and bottles can also boost the mineral content of water.

1. Mineral Drops

These are concentrated liquid drops filled with minerals. A few drops in your daily bottle, and voilà!

How Do They Work? Simply shake the bottle, add a few drops to your water, stir, and enjoy. The number of drops can be adjusted based on your preference and the manufacturer’s recommendation.

  • Pros: Easy to use and portable. You can carry them anywhere, making it convenient for work, travel, or gym sessions.
  • Cons: You might find the taste too strong, and it’s important to check that the product is free from additives or contaminants.

2. Mineral Stones

Think of these as the slow-cookers of mineral infusion – Natural or ceramic stones that are full of minerals.

How Do They Work? Place them at the bottom of your water jug or bottle. Over time, as the water sits, the stones release minerals.

  • Pros: A natural method that doesn’t involve chemicals. Plus, there’s a certain aesthetic appeal to seeing these stones in a clear water jug.
  • Cons: The mineral release rate can be slow, so it might not be the best for those always on the go. It’s also essential to clean and replace the stones periodically.

3. Reverse Osmosis (RO) with Remineralization:

RO systems are fantastic at purifying water. But they can strip it of beneficial minerals too. Some RO systems come with a remineralization stage that adds those essentials back in.

How Does It Work? Water passes through multiple filtration stages. After the purification, it goes through a remineralization phase where beneficial minerals are added back.

  • Pros: Offers pure, mineralized water directly from the tap. It’s efficient and offers consistent water quality.
  • Cons: The initial setup can be expensive, and it needs regular maintenance. Not to mention, it usually wastes a large amount of water in the filtration process.

4. Water Filter Pitchers with Minerals

These are like regular water filter pitchers but with an added stage for mineral addition.

How Do They Work? As water passes through the filter, contaminants are removed, and beneficial minerals are added at the same time.

  • Pros: Portable and doesn’t need any installation. Great for renting, students or the workplace.
  • Cons: They have limited capacity, so you might find yourself refilling often if you have a large family or drink a lot of water.

5. Mineral Salts

Dissolvable tablets or salts can be an easy way to up the mineral content. Think of them as effervescent health boosters.

How Do They Work? Simply dissolve them in water, much like you would with an effervescent vitamin tablet.

  • Pros: Quick and straightforward, offering a consistent mineral dose every time.
  • Cons: Over-reliance can lead to excessive mineral intake, so it’s important to stick to recommended doses. Also, check for any additional unwanted ingredients, like artificial flavorings or colorings.

6. Alkaline Water Bottles

Alkaline Water Bottles are specially designed tonot only filter your water but also raise its pH level, making it more alkaline. Many of these bottles also add essential minerals to the water during the alkalization process.

How Do They Work? Alkaline water bottles contain a replaceable filter typically made of minerals like tourmaline, maifanite, and far-infrared stones. As water passes through this filter, it undergoes ionization, which increases its pH level. In the process, the minerals from the filter dissolve in the water, enhancing its mineral content.

  • Pros: Portable and convenient. If you’re a fan of alkaline water or want to experiment with its taste and potential benefits, these bottles are a great option. Plus, you get the added advantage of mineralization.
  • Cons: The degree of alkalization can vary between brands and models. Some argue that while the water is made alkaline, it might not provide all the benefits of naturally occurring alkaline water. It’s also essential to replace the filters regularly to maintain the bottle’s effectiveness.

Remember, while all these methods are effective, your choice should resonate with your lifestyle and health goals. You might prefer the natural touch of mineral stones, while others might lean towards the efficiency of RO systems. Whatever your pick, enjoy the enhanced hydration!

Which Minerals to Add (and Which to Avoid)

Like the different ingredients in a cocktail, not all minerals serve the same purpose. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Magnesium: Essential for muscle function and energy production. It can also help in relaxation and quality sleep.
  2. Calcium: Beyond just strong bones and teeth, calcium plays a role in heart health and nerve signaling.
  3. Potassium: A champion for heart health and muscle function.
  4. Zinc: Boosts immune function and plays a pivotal role in wound healing.
  5. Selenium: This antioxidant powerhouse protects cells from damage.

Now, while minerals are beneficial, moderation is crucial. Overdoing it can lead to problems. For instance:

  • Sodium: While essential in small amounts, excessive sodium can raise blood pressure. Ensure your mineral source isn’t too sodium-heavy.
  • Manganese: While beneficial in tiny amounts, too much can be harmful.

To Mineralize or Not?

Like deciding whether to add that dash of cinnamon to your morning coffee, mineralizing your water is a personal choice. If you’re after taste, certain health benefits, or simply want an electrolyte boost after a workout, adding minerals might be right up your alley.

Remember, it’s about balance. Before making any major changes, chat with a nutritionist or doctor, especially if you have health concerns. Happy hydrating! 🥤

At SippingLiquids, we’re all about diving deep into the world of beverages, ensuring you’re informed, refreshed, and always sipping the best. Stay tuned for more liquid love!

Or dive into this article about which water has the most electrolytes.

The Best Water Filter Bottle We’ve Ever Used

Clearly Filtered | Stainless Steel Filter Bottles

We really love these filter bottles for keeping your drinks cool and contaminant free! They remove 99.9% of over 220 contaminants and use BPA-free plastics and double-walled stainless steel to produce some awesome looking designs with numerous bottle sizes for every situation. You can find them at Clearlyfiltered.com

Teri Orr

Teri is an earth scientist who also loves to run. She enjoys breaking down the science of drinks to help fuel your day with healthy and refreshing information and beverages!

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