About Us

Welcome to Sipping Liquids, your trusted source for meticulously researched and up-to-date information on the world of drinks and beverages. We are passionate about exploring what goes into the things we drink!

At Sipping Liquids, our commitment is to provide you with a comprehensive resource for all things related to everyday drinks and beverages. We understand that what we consume plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. Therefore, our mission is to offer a well-informed perspective on what we drink that goes beyond mere taste, encompassing their nutritional value, ingredients, and impact on your lifestyle.

Our Approach

We take pride in our rigorous and scientific approach to studying beverages. Our team of experts conducts thorough research, scrutinizes ingredient lists, and stays up-to-date with the latest developments in the beverage industry. We understand that you deserve nothing less than accurate and reliable information, and we are dedicated to delivering just that.

Our Core Values

  • Evidence-Based Insights: We base our content on sound scientific principles and credible research. When you visit Sipping Liquids, you can trust that the information you find is rooted in data and verified sources.
  • Nutritional Analysis: We delve deep into the nutritional profiles of beverages to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of their impact on your health. Our goal is to empower you to make informed choices that align with your dietary goals.
  • Ingredient Transparency: We believe in transparency when it comes to what goes into your drink. Our ingredient analyses ensure that you are fully aware of what you are consuming.
  • Lifestyle Impact: Beyond the nutritional aspect, we explore how different beverages fit into various lifestyles, whether you’re an athlete seeking hydration, a health-conscious individual, or someone simply looking for a refreshing and satisfying drink.

Join Us

Sipping Liquids is more than a website; it’s a commitment to delivering the most accurate, up-to-date, and insightful information about all sorts of drinks and beverages. Whether you are an informed consumer, a health enthusiast, or someone seeking to make healthier choices, our platform is designed to empower you with that knowledge.

Thank you for choosing Sipping Liquids as your go-to source for information on the world of drinks. We look forward to helping you navigate this diverse and ever-evolving landscape with confidence and precision.

Cheers to informed sipping!


Theresa is an ultra runner, personal trainer, and has a PhD in Science. Read more about Theresa – here.


Russell is an endurance athlete, and has a Bachelor of Science (with Honors). Read more about Russell – here.