Mineral Waters That Aren’t Carbonated – Fizzless And Fabulous

The vast majority of mineral water brands are carbonated. Thankfully, there are many other mineral waters that are not carbonated, and retain their original and natural taste.

Non-carbonated mineral water has a smoother, less bitter taste than the fizzy alternatives. The mineral content, like calcium, magnesium and potassium give it an earthy flavor that is also easy on the tastebuds.

In this post, we explore brands of mineral water that are not carbonated and also discuss why you might want to drink non-carbonated mineral water.

Carbonated Mineral Water

As the name implies, mineral water is water that contains essential minerals, making it taste and feel more ‘natural’ than regular tap water. 

The exact minerals in your mineral water depend on the source, but mostly you can expect to find calcium, magnesium and potassium in your bottled mineral water. Some mineral waters are also rich in trace elements like zinc, copper, and selenium.

Sometimes, manufacturers dissolve carbon dioxide gas in the mineral water, making it ‘sparkling’ or ‘carbonated’. This process, called ‘carbonation’, gives the water a bubbly texture and makes it fizzy, which many people prefer.

A few brands of mineral water are naturally carbonated because of the rock that it travels through gives it the necessary elements to make it fizz.

Is Mineral Water Always Carbonated?

Although it may seem like most brands of mineral water are sparkling, mineral water is not always carbonated. 

Some brands of mineral water are naturally carbonated, which means that the carbonation occurs naturally from the source, but many others actually add carbonation during the bottling process.

This means there are plenty of choices out there where manufacturers skip carbonation, giving you still mineral water.

3 Reasons to drink non-carbonated mineral water

While carbonated mineral water has its benefits, there are three main reasons you might prefer non-carbonated mineral water.

1. Unnatural feel

The main reason many people prefer to drink mineral water is the natural taste and feel. When you carbonate this water, it becomes bubbly and fizzy, which is far from how natural water normally tastes. Often defeating the purpose of drinking mineral water in the first place.

2. Bloating and gas

Once the carbonated water goes in your stomach, the carbon dioxide gas is released. This can cause discomfort, bloating and gas in some people.

It may even increase your changes of heartburn or acid reflux.

3. Milder Taste

In addition to texture, carbonating water also changes its taste, making it stronger and more bitter. Some people even find that carbonated water tastes slightly acidic. 

Non-carbonated mineral water has a milder taste, making it a great choice for people who want their water to test gentle and soothing.

10 Mineral waters that are not carbonated

Here are the best non-carbonated mineral waters available, in terms of taste and mineral content. These waters are also often sold as spring water or mineral spring water, as this is where the water comes from, but each has a high enough mineral content to be classified as mineral water.

Also read about the differences between mineral water and spring water here.

1. Voss

Voss is a Norwegian brand of mineral water popular for its sleek and elegant packaging. Shaped like a clean, straight cylinder, the bottle (which comes in both glass and plastic) has an iconic look, but what is even more recognisable is the still mineral water inside.

The water is sourced from an underground aquifer in Southern Norway and is known for its high quality and purity. Voss is available in both carbonated and non-carbonated versions, too, making it a versatile choice for consumers.

It has a low mineral content compared to other mineral waters, giving it a smoother taste.

2. Fiji Water

It is simply not possible to have a list of good water bottle brands and not include Fiji in it. 

Known for its soft and mild taste, Fiji Water is mineral water sourced from an underground aquifer in Fiji. The water is naturally filtered through layers of volcanic rock, giving it a sweet taste and a balanced natural pH of 7.7. 

Since the minerals are added entirely naturally, this is a fantastic choice for anyone who wants still mineral water primarily for the natural feel.

Like Voss, Fiji Water is available in both carbonated and non-carbonated versions. It also comes in 100% recycled bottles, allowing you to drink freely without guilt for hurting the environment.

3. Saratoga Natural Spring Water

Unlike many others in our list today, Saratoga is a popular brand of still mineral water bottled in the US. 

Another unique feature about the brand is the pristine royal blue glass bottle that it comes in, which has gained worldwide recognition as a sign of quality. 

As a ‘premium’ product, the price is slightly higher than some other brands, but almost everyone agrees it is worth the cost.

4. Aqua Carpatica

Aqua Carpatica is a lesser known brand of bottled mineral water compared to some of the other entries on our list, but don’t let its lack of popularity deter you from the fantastic taste and quality that this brand offers.

Sourced from springwater in Romania, each bottle of Aqua Carpatica has water with a naturally alkaline pH of 8.2, and is rather low in mineral content (compared to other brands), meaning the taste you get is clean and subtle.

Because of the relatively lower mineral content, the brand also claims to be suitable for use in preparing formula milk for babies.

5. Evian

Evian is a popular brand of mineral water known for its premium branding, natural taste and overall high quality.

Sourced from the French Alps, the water is naturally filtered through layers of mineral-rich glacial sand, giving it its refreshing taste. It also maintains a high pH of at least 7 or more even hours after opening, which many competitive brands often fail to do. 

Evian does have a strong flavor, so it may be best to try a single bottle, before purchasing large quantities, to make sure you like it!

6. Acqua Panna

Acqua Panna is yet another entry in our list today known for its luxurious feel.

Sourced from the hills of Tuscany, Italy, the water is naturally filtered through limestone rocks, increasing calcium component and adding an earthy taste to the water. 

It also comes in a tall, elegant glass bottle, making it suitable for high-end occasions. 

It is slightly more expensive than some of the other mineral waters in our list today, but it’s flavor is well worth it.

7. Highland Spring

Highland Spring is a Scottish brand of mineral water popular among its users for its high mineral content. 

The water is sourced from the Ochil Hills in Scotland and is particularly rich in bicarbonates, calcium, chloride, magnesium and nitrate. All this gives the water a very refreshing taste, but the high solid content means the water will not be suitable for other purposes like brewing coffee, or preparing formula milk.

8. San Benedetto

San Benedetto is another European brand of mineral water in our list today, sourced directly from the Italian Alps. It is therefore rich in certain minerals, particularly magnesium and calcium, which not only give it a good taste but (as many users frequently mention) also make it helpful with leg cramps!

(Calcium and magnesium may indeed be helpful for muscle health, but do note that the company does not claim to offer any specific health benefit.)

While the higher mineral content and packaging are fantastic plus points, San Benedetto recently increased the price for its water, which is a bit of a downside considering the otherwise amazing features.

9. Icelandic Glacial Water

Icelandic Glacial water, as the name implies, comes from an underground spring formed during a volcanic eruption, where the water is collected from snowmelt and from filtration of rainfall.

This gives the water an exceptionally pure, natural and unadulterated taste that many describe as subtly sweet and refreshing.

The water is also naturally alkaline, giving you unique health benefits. The brand is also environmentally carbon neutral, meaning you can enjoy your water guilt-free.

10. Nalekzowianka

Coming from springs in Nalekzowianka, Poland, this brand of water has a rich history of production spanning more than 100 years.

The water is rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium with a relatively lower sodium content. This gives the water a refreshing feel and a sweet aftertaste. The low sodium also makes it ideal for those looking to reduce their overall salt intake.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is San Pellegrino Naturally Carbonated?

San Pellegrino is not naturally carbonated. The water is sourced from a spring in the Italian Alps and is naturally mineralised. The carbon dioxide is added later during the manufacturing and bottling process to give the water is characteristic acidic taste. 

Is Perrier Naturally Carbonated?

Perrier is naturally carbonated. The water is sourced from a spring in Southern France and is naturally carbonated due to the presence of carbon dioxide gas in the spring.

However, the FDA did ask Perrier to remove the ‘naturally carbonated’ label recently because the water and the carbon dioxide, although formed together in the same location naturally, are ‘mixed’ only when they reach the manufacturing factory,

Is Topo Chico Naturally Carbonated?

Topo Chico is naturally carbonated, but there is extra carbonation added during the bottling process to enhance the sparkling taste. 

Also read about how mineral water is naturally purified here.


While carbonated mineral water is a popular choice, there are also many brands of non-carbonated mineral water available for consumers. Non-carbonated mineral water has a milder taste. So, it’s fantastic for people who do not like the strong taste of carbonated water or experience discomfort from carbonation. The brands listed in our post offer high-quality, pure, and mineral-rich water at various price points to suit your needs.

The Best Water Filter Bottle We’ve Ever Used

Clearly Filtered | Stainless Steel Filter Bottles

We really love these filter bottles for keeping your drinks cool and contaminant free! They remove 99.9% of over 220 contaminants and use BPA-free plastics and double-walled stainless steel to produce some awesome looking designs with numerous bottle sizes for every situation. You can find them at Clearlyfiltered.com

Teri Orr

Teri is an earth scientist who also loves to run. She enjoys breaking down the science of drinks to help fuel your day with healthy and refreshing information and beverages!

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